The Mānuka Factor

What is Mānuka honey?

Mānuka honey is produced from the nectar of the flower of the Mānuka bush an indigenous New Zealand tree. The bee's use of this nectar gives Manuka honey its unique properties. 

Click here to learn more about Mānuka Honey. 

Why is Mānuka honey so sought after?

Mānuka honey is widely acknowledged as being the ‘standard’ against which other honeys are compared. Mānuka honey is recognised by consumers for its quality and medicinal properties both of which are supported by a substantial body of research. 

What does UMF™ mean?

UMF stands for 'Unique Mānuka Factor'. The UMF Honey Association (UMFHA) developed a world-leading science programme that focussed on identifying and certifying the unique signature compounds of genuine Mānuka Honey.

To provide assurance to consumers and the industry, only honey carrying the UMF logo is tested under this program.

The UMF grading system uses numbers on the labels of products to express the unique signature compound characteristics on any UMF honey product which ensures purity and quality. These include the key markers of Leptosperin, DHA and Methylglyoxal. 

Look out for the below logo on honey products to ensure the products you are buying contain genuine active Mānuka honey:


Since 2007, Haines Apiaries have been licensed Members of the UMFHA.